Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Single Serve Brownie!!! Low carb. Grain free.

For the winnnnn!!! 

I found this recipe while browsing Pinterest. Normally my Pinterest is all about bikinis I'll never wear alongside deep fried Brie cheese sandwiches. 

For once, a quick recipe that gets me closer to that bikini. 

UPDATED after tweaking 
2 tbs unsweetened cocoa
2.5 tbs water 
1 tbs Greek vanilla Fat free yogurt 
OR 1 small egg 
1/4 tsp vanilla extract 
1.5-2 tbs almond meal (flour replacement)
-Bob's Red Mill brand 
1 tbs real maple syrup 
OR 3 packets stevia

8/6-(I liked it way more a little runnier and with Splenda and egg. And marshmallow. The addition of graham cracker eventually for a single s'more? Have you seen those at Starbucks?!) 

Add to PAM'ed ramekin and cook 1
Minute in microwave. Allow to cool. Helloooo fudgey brownie. You better like chocolate. It's STRONG. 

The original recipe called for whole wheat flour. I went with almond because #lowcarb but you could probably do coconut flour as well. Sweeten and flavor it however you want. I know we all have different views on sweeteners. I haven't croaked yet so I'll just enjoy my brownie now. 

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