Monday, October 16, 2017


How has it been 5 months since I've done a blog post!? Life, that's how. Work, trips, the house, oh yeah and the cutest crazy baby ever have consumed our time. It was an incredibly awesome summer, and even though it's still super warm out, we are ready for Fall and a new challenge. Workouts and meal prep have helped me inch closer to pre-pregnancy weight, but the last few weeks were just madness.

Our friends got married Oct. 7 and we enjoyed some serious indulgences, and dang we clean up well, but it's time to get clean before we turn dirty 30.

Commence, #30before30

My husband Alex and I are embarking on 30 days of prepacked lunches and breakfasts, planned dinners, workouts together, more water, and no BS. We will be greatly reducing our processed sugar and carbs intake. Alex turns 30 in Nov, and mine is in Dec. Here goes.

Mon-Fri we will stick to the plan. Weekends are and always will be a time to chill a bit.

Week one's menu staples are foods we already enjoy, just in controlled portions with healthier preparations. Fajita bowls and yogurt bowls with homemade granola to go are fantastic.Turkey and cheese roll ups, popcorn, fresh fruit, and cheese sticks round out the snacks. I spent about an hour in the kitchen on Sunday prepping our yogurts and fajita bowls.
*add protein powder to Greek yogurt for extra flavor and protein!

The granola was just oats, chia seeds, ground flax, raisins, crushed peanuts (in my blender) and maple syrup hardened in plastic overnight in the fridge. You can also bake it. Peanut butter and coconut oil is a better binder but this is delicious. Granola is forgiving, add whatever you like.

I don't know what this peppery turkey is, but it was worth the extra $$

Fajita bowl prep is simply: marinte chicken breast in olive oil and a packet of fajita seasoning all day. Grill. Sautee peppers and onions and add microwaved brown rice and cheese. Cook up some corn and plop it all together. Brightened up at lunch time with avocado, lime, sour cream, salsa. Whatever floats your boat. 

Some other staples:

Microwave egg with mashed avocado and hot sauce on toast. 


Chicken and bean soup is up next. Amazing with topings or just a squirt of lime. We like those tex mex flavors! In crock on low all day, shred the chicken and bam. 

Week one summary- we both lost 2+ lbs and found that all the protein kept us full and satisfied between meals. We did Shift Shop 25 Strength and felt the burn. I ran 8.2 miles Sunday and had 3 beers after while meal prepping. Life is good. 

Week TWO will include a lot of the same staples of protein yogurt, cheese stick, preportioned nuts, grilled fajita chix, with the new additions of bean and veggie stuffed sweet potatoes and garlic green beans!

100 ounce water bottles are life savers! Fill once and just work on it all day. 


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